Friday, February 13, 2009

Social Media and Branding News for today

Sad day today. There's something that makes a tragedy worse when it befalls your hometown. (Plane crash in Buffalo in case you haven't been reading news today.) Still awaiting full passenger manifest to be posted to know my friends and family are safe. Anway, say a prayer.

On with the news. So many stories, so little time. Read them all here!

Survey: Consumers Prefer McDonald's Over Starbucks? Very random study by Pew.

NCAA Backpedals on Banned Substances in Vitaminwater
Says Normal Consumption Doesn't Put Athletes at Risk for Positive Drug Tests
Never knew that anything in Vitaminwater was considered banned. Now I know.

Sports drinks scratching surface of mainstream potential - Powerade
Powerade is gaining traction in the sports drink market. At least they don't have a letter for a logo!

Starbucks introducing instant coffee. Seattle coffee company spends 20 years on patent to make instant coffee.

"Hey! How 'bout a Sanka?!?"

Social Media and Blogging Ethics and a Code of Conduct

Great read if you need to create strategy or educate leadership at work about social media.

Getting Social Media Approved by Your Boss

This is something near and dear to my heart. I work on this type of issue almost daily. I'm still processing Geoff's ideas and will respond with my own experiences soon.

Social Media for Your NonProfit. Tweet or Not to Tweet. (Thanks to Son for providing link)

Good rundown of some basics for incorporating Social Media for nonprofits (or work in general)

Blogs from the U.S. Government

Partial list of some official Gov blogs. Good for research.

Alright. That's enough reading for today. Have a great weekend!

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