People say that they wish I'd keep up more with this blog, a.k.a., "the fun blog," as opposed to "
the serious blog." Wellllll, I try, but it's not easy. I have to keep up on my other blog on a regular basis because it was actually created for classes that I'm taking in grad school. Welcome to the digital age where your homework is now completed on a blog! Anyway, it's tough to flip and flop between the two, and it's especially hard when you still have no Internet at home because Comcast is a shitty company! I guess I could maintain one blog, but where's the fun in that! So if you're looking for a fix and you can't find it here, feel free to visit the "serious blog." It's really not
too serious. Plus, my professor said, I'm "the first person in [his] class to categorize a blog entry as 'F******." So that's pretty cool.
And here's some amusement for the day. Take this online caffeine test to see if you have a problem. This morning I clicked 192 times in 30 seconds, which means I'm "A vibrating crackhead." This afternoon I tried again and got 200, which means I'm "Near Death--Delusions of Godlike Power." Flattery. It means everything.
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets
Stupid work firewall won't let me take the stupid caffeine click test! Now what am I supposed to do for the remaining 2 hours I'm at work??
On another note, thanks for finally updating this blog! You should do an entry about this, seeing as how it's a subject near and dear to your... heart.
Dude... I got 89. How in the name of Regis Philbin did you get 200?
I'll blame my weak sauce score on my roommate's Gen-I Dell mouse...
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